Protocols for welcoming visitors on Country have always been part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and offer visitors safe passage and protection.
Respect this by experiencing each community’s Welcome to Country first.
Interact with communities to explore their stories..
Year 7 English
Living Waters Discovery Maps
Song For This Place
Song Man
Wagilak Community
Living Waters Map - Year 7 English
Gandjalala Poem
Welcome to Yolngu Country!
Listen to the Welcome to Country, read about the Storyteller and experience the story of Gandjalala. Then follow Gandjalala’s journey.
On your journey reflect on these questions:
1. How is the importance of water evident in the story?2. Make a note of all the references to water in the story? These can be words, images or literary techniques. 3. What do you think it means when Roy Ashley Wanapunynu tells us there are songs and dance for this land and the land itself is real and alive? What words does he use to convey this?
Gandjalala Interactive Story
By The River
Roy Ashley Waṉapuyŋu
Mr Roy Ashley Wanapunynu was the leading man looking after all the songs, ceremonies and history regarding the Wägilak people of the Dhuwa Dhurili clans.
Welcome to Nyikina Country!
Listen to Annie Nayina Milgin and John Darragah Watson Welcome you to Nyikina Country and then listen to Annie share Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron Storyteller Creation story.
As you travel across Nyikina Country and listen to Woonyoomboo: The Night Heron think about the importance of water to Nyikina people and reflect on these questions:
1. How is the importance of water evident in the story?2. Listen to the songs in the Discovery Map. How has the singer created rhythm to enhance their meaning?3. How is the mood intensified by the rhythm?
Woonyoomboo Story
Living Waters Map - Year 7 English
Nyikina Community
Annie Nayina Milgin
'My name is Annie Nayina Milgin and I come from Jarlmadangah Burru. Jarlmadangah community is 140 kilometres south east of Derby, near Camballin in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. '
Gandjalala: Interactive story
Visit the Gandjalala multi-touch book site and experience the story, then return here.
The story will open in a new tab - close this tab to return to this Discovery Map.
Ya---a, djirryun, djirryun. Mildja ganalarritj, Wurminba djirryun. Mildja ganalarritj, wurminba djirryuna---a, yawululminy mayaŋ-barkthu---un ḏamarran marryunmaram.
Descending, descending. The crow is coming down looking with the eyes of the great hunter from the land of no water
Djirryuna gathapin marryunmara---am, yawululminy mayaŋ-barkthu--un, guḻwirriwuy nyoṉaṉbu---y djirryuna guraŋguraŋ
The spiritual father carries spear and woomera as dances and prepares himself for arrival on the land where the crystal clear water is flowing
Wak, wak, wak wak, wak, wak, wa---ak wak
Singing and dancing, feeling happy to be home
Mayaŋ-guraŋguraŋ yawululminy dhäruk.Dhamaṯa marryunmara---m, ŋuywata djirryu--n, yawululminy dhäruk, garraḻuḻu dhäruk.
With the cry he looks for his children, for he is breaking home kangaroo meat and yarrpany the honey
Wak, wak, wak wak, wak, wak, wa--k wak
Dancing, singing as children gathers
Dhamata marryunmaram, djirryuna guraŋguraŋ, dhamata marryunmaram guraŋguraŋ gura---ŋ gulwirriwuy djotu----u, nyonanbuy djirryun.
Holding the spear gathapin he sings and calls to nations to join in great feast of kangaroo meat and the Yarrpany honey
Wa---ak wak
Wa---ak wak
Woonyoomboo: Interactive story
Visit the Woonyooboo multi-touch book site and experience the story, then return here.
The story will open in a new tab - close this tab to return to this Discovery Map.