Dimboona and the Wail Rock

Students explore narrative through the Wail Rock Creation story. They unpack the elements of stories and recognise that stories have a beginning, a middle and an end.

Cross Curriculum Priorities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures


First Nations communities of Australia maintain a deep connection to, and responsibility for, Country/Place and have holistic values and belief systems that are connected to the land, sea, sky and waterways.


First Nations Australian societies are diverse and have distinct cultural expressions such as language, customs and beliefs. As First Nations Peoples of Australia, they have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural expressions, while also maintaining the right to control, protect and develop culture as Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property.


First Nations Australians’ ways of life reflect unique ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing.


Australia has 2 distinct First Nations Peoples; each encompasses a diversity of nations across Australia. Aboriginal Peoples are the first peoples of Australia and have occupied the Australian continent for more than 60,000 years. Torres Strait Islander Peoples are the First Nations Peoples of the Torres Strait and have occupied the region for over 4,000 years.


First Nations Australians have sophisticated political, economic and social organisation systems, which include family and kinship structures, laws, traditions, customs, land tenure systems, and protocols for strong governance and authority.

Curriculum Links


Discuss literary texts and share responses by making connections with students’ own experiences 


Discuss how language and images are used to create characters, settings  and events in literature by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging  Australian and world authors and illustrators 


Discuss literary texts and share responses by making connections with  students’ own experiences 


Discuss plot, character and setting, which are features of stories 


Orally retell or adapt a familiar story using plot and characters, language  features including vocabulary, and structure of a familiar text, through  role-play, writing, drawing or digital tools 


Use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting,  summarising and questioning when listening, viewing and reading to build literal and inferred meaning by drawing on vocabulary and growing  knowledge of context and text structures  


Understand how print and screen texts are organised using features  such as page numbers, tables of content, headings and titles, navigation  buttons, swipe screens, verbal commands, links and images 


Read and write an increasing number of high-frequency words


Explore examples of visual arts created by First Nations Australians


Use visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials to create artworks


Share artworks and/or visual arts practice in informal settings

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Unit Includes

  • 1 Focus Area
  • 4 Lessons



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the content on this site may contain images and references to deceased persons.