Individual Subscriptions
Full Access
$105 / year
For a single educator looking to develop learning plans for any year level. Sign up now to gain exclusive access to:
- All 60+ community-led units and corresponding media
- Downloadable activity worksheets and templates for each lesson
- Includes cultural protocols to help teachers feel confident
Purchase Full Access and receive a 15% discount off the full price!
Use code 15OFF
Single Year Level Access
$45.00 / year
Are you a teacher wanting to trial just your Year Level? Sign up now for a 14 day free trial and access:
- Community-led units for Year Levels 3, 4 or 5 only
- Includes cultural protocols, activity worksheets and templates
Purchase single Year Level for $45 or purchase Full Access and receive a 15% discount off the full price!
Use code 15OFF
Offers valid for new subscribers only
Whole School Access
Subscribe for whole-school access and empower teachers of every subject and year level to embed First Nations teaching into the curriculum. With individual student logins, whole-school subscriptions give you access to:
All 60+ community-led units and corresponding media for grades Prep to Year 9.
Individual secure access for ALL educators in your school, including teaching guidelines
Includes cultural protocols, activity worksheets and templates
Small schools
- Up to 150 Students
- Save 50%
Medium School
- Up to 300 Students
- Save 50%
Large School
- Up to 600 Students
- Save 50%
Extra Large School
- 600+ Students
- Save 50%
Offers valid for new subscribers only
Can’t find what you are looking for?
If our current subscription packages don't suit your needs please email us outlining how we can support you to access Jajoo Warrngara and we will send you a quote.