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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 7 4 lessons
Students explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sculptures and carvings. They gain insight into the history of Australia’s artefact collection practices in First Nations’ communities, including repatriation of sacred objects and ancestral remains. Be sure to explore the films and links in the Arts Discovery Map
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 7 4 lessons
Students gain insight into the cultural meaning of tribal markings and possum skin cloak making. They study the evolution of traditional clothing styles and materials into contemporary First Nations' fashion designs that are sought after in mainstream markets.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 7 5 lessons
Students explore First Nations' Arts Practices in various communities. They see the weaving and painting practices of the Wagilak community and experiment with the process of botanical dyeing. They create their own unique artworks using natural elements.
Year levels: 9 4 lessons
Students explore stories, poetry, and contemporary art by the Quandamooka peoples and other First Nations’ communities. They gain profound insights into the histories, experiences and perspectives of First Nations peoples and the power of art in contributing to the political discourse and amplifying marginalised voices.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 1 4 lessons
Students explore narrative through the Wail Rock Creation story. They unpack the elements of stories and recognise that stories have a beginning, a middle and an end.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 4 5 lessons
Students understand the properties, uses, and impact of everyday materials. They investigate the Cultural, Environmental and Social impacts of mining in Australia.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 5 5 lessons
Students learn about the special relationship between dolphins and the Quandamooka peoples. They investigate symbiotic relationships, echolocation and electric reception. They gain insight into the impact of colonisation on ecosystems in Australia.
Year levels: 5 4 lessons
Students investigate various light phenomena including the Min Min Lights, the Northern Lights, lightning, rainbows and mirages. They explore First Nations perspectives which have come to explain or give insight regarding the phenomena and create their own hypothesis.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 9 4 lessons
Students explore the historical impact of colonial regimes, including the Native Police Force. They critically examine the enduring effects of past policies and laws on contemporary social and cultural contexts and its relevance to present-day issues.

Use the map to explore the communities who have shared resources. All resources can be localised by working with your local Traditional Custodians. Permissions have been given by all Custodians to share cultural content in your classroom.



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the content on this site may contain images and references to deceased persons.