Echoes on Country: Oodgeroo Noonuccal

Students explore stories, poetry, and contemporary art by the Quandamooka peoples and other First Nations’ communities. They gain profound insights into the histories, experiences and perspectives of First Nations peoples and the power of art in contributing to the political discourse and amplifying marginalised voices.

Cross Curriculum Priorities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures


First Nations communities of Australia maintain a deep connection to, and responsibility for, Country/Place and have holistic values and belief systems that are connected to the land, sea, sky and waterways.


The occupation and colonisation of Australia by the British, under the now overturned doctrine of terra nullius, were experienced by First Nations Australians as an invasion that denied their occupation of, and connection to, Country/Place.


First Nations Australian societies are diverse and have distinct cultural expressions such as language, customs and beliefs. As First Nations Peoples of Australia, they have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural expressions, while also maintaining the right to control, protect and develop culture as Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property.


First Nations Australians’ ways of life reflect unique ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing.


The First Peoples of Australia (Aboriginal Peoples) belong to the world’s oldest continuous cultures. First Nations Australians demonstrate resilience in the maintenance, practice and revitalisation of culture despite the many historic and enduring impacts of colonisation, and continue to celebrate and share the past, present and future manifestations of their cultures.


Australia has 2 distinct First Nations Peoples; each encompasses a diversity of nations across Australia. Aboriginal Peoples are the first peoples of Australia and have occupied the Australian continent for more than 60,000 years. Torres Strait Islander Peoples are the First Nations Peoples of the Torres Strait and have occupied the region for over 4,000 years.


The significant and ongoing contributions of First Nations Australians and their histories and cultures are acknowledged locally, nationally and globally.


The significant and ongoing contributions of First Nations Australians and their histories and cultures are acknowledged locally, nationally and globally.

Curriculum Links


Create and edit literary texts, that may be a hybrid, that experiment with text structures, language features and literary devices for purposes and audiences


Analyse how representations of people, places, events and concepts reflect contexts


Analyse and evaluate how language features are used to represent a perspective of an issue, event, situation, individual or group


Use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, questioning and inferring to compare and contrast ideas and opinions in and between texts


Plan, create, edit and publish written and multimodal texts, organising, expanding and developing ideas, and selecting text structures, language features, literary devices and multimodal features for purposes and audiences in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive, analytical and/or critical


Plan, create, rehearse and deliver spoken and multimodal presentations for purpose and audience, using language features, literary devices and features of voice such as volume, tone, pitch and pace, and organising, expanding and developing ideas in ways that may be imaginative, reflective, informative, persuasive, analytical and/or critical


The causes and effects of European imperial expansion and the movement of peoples in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and the different responses to colonisation and migration


The causes and effects of European contact and extension of settlement, including their impact on the First Nations Peoples of Australia


Significant events, ideas, people, groups and movements in the development of Australian society


Different experiences and perspectives of colonisers, settlers and First Nations Australians and the impact of these experiences on changes to Australian society's ideas, beliefs and values


Investigate the ways that media artists use media arts concepts to construct representations in media arts works and practices across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts


Investigate the ways First Nations Australian media artists and/or producers celebrate and challenge multiple perspectives of Australian identity through media arts


Experiment with ways to construct representations that reflect ideas, perspectives and/or meaning, and/or use of media conventions, media languages and media technologies


Reflect on their own or others’ media arts works and/or practices to refine and inform choices they make during stages of the production process


Design and structure media arts works that examine and communicate ideas, perspectives and/or meaning


+27 potential users
Not Enrolled

Unit Includes

  • 1 Focus Area
  • 4 Lessons



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the content on this site may contain images and references to deceased persons.