Cross Curriculum Priorities
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
A_TSICP1 First Nations communities of Australia maintain a deep connection to, and responsibility for, Country/Place and have holistic values and belief systems that are connected to the land, sea, sky and waterways.
A_TSICP3The First Peoples of Australia are the traditional owners of Country/Place, protected in Australian Law by the Native Title Act 1993 which recognises pre-existing sovereignty, continuing systems of law and customs, and connection to Country/Place. This recognised legal right provides for economic sustainability and a voice into the development and management of Country/Place.
A_TSIC1 First Nations Australian societies are diverse and have distinct cultural expressions such as language, customs and beliefs. As First Nations Peoples of Australia, they have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural expressions, while also maintaining the right to control, protect and develop culture as Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property.
A_TSIC2 First Nations Australians’ ways of life reflect unique ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing.
A_TSIP3 The significant and ongoing contributions of First Nations Australians and their histories and cultures are acknowledged locally, nationally and globally.
Curriculum Links
AC9HG8K02 the location and distribution of Australia’s distinctive landscapes and significant landforms
AC9HG8K03 the spiritual, aesthetic and cultural value of landscapes and landforms for people, including Country/Place of First Nations Australians
AC9HG8K04 the interconnections between human activity and geomorphological processes, and ways of managing distinctive landscapes
AC9HC8K06 different experiences of, perspectives on and debates about Australia’s national identity and citizenship, including the perspectives of First Nations Australians as owners of their respective nations, and of different migrant groups
AC9E8LA01 recognise how language shapes relationships and roles
AC9E8LY08 apply learnt knowledge to spell accurately and to learn new words
AC9E8LE01 explain the ways that ideas and points of view may represent the values of individuals and groups in literary texts, drawn from historical, social and cultural contexts, by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors