Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 10 4 lessons
Students investigate how European colonists acquired land in the 1770s. #momentoftruth
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 9 3 lessons
Students learn the history of the convicts and colonists on the First Fleet and critically reflect on the commemoration of those who fought in the Frontier Wars. #momentoftruth
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Year levels: 6 3 lessons
Students investigate the reasons for British expansion and explore the perspectives of European convicts, colonists, and First Nations' peoples. #momentoftruth
Year levels: 9 4 lessons
In this unit, students will explore the history and current issues of Aboriginal labour in Australia. Through personal stories, films, and activities, they will learn about key industries, the exploitation of Aboriginal workers, and the impact of stolen wages policies. Students will also study the contributions of First Nations activists who fought for their rights.
Year levels: 5-6 3 lessons
In this unit, students will analyse films, conduct online research, and engage in creative writing to explore biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. Inspired by the stories of Ballardong Noongar Elders, they will learn about life in 1960s Western Australia. Students will then write and publish their own biography, autobiography, or memoir, focusing on themselves or someone they value, deepening their sense of identity and understanding of others.
Year levels: 10 3 lessons
n this unit, students will analyse films, conduct online research, and engage in creative writing to explore biographies, autobiographies, and memoirs. Inspired by the stories of Ballardong Noongar Elders, they will learn about life in 1960s Western Australia. Students will then write and publish their own biography, autobiography, or memoir, focusing on themselves or someone they value, deepening their sense of identity and understanding of others.
Year levels: 9 3 lessons
This unit explores the distinctions between Missions, Reserves, and Stations. Students will engage in research activities and creative writing, investigating the impact of government policies on First Nations communities and life on York Reserve.
Media Arts
Visual Arts
Kadeena Ryan, Noongar Custodian, describes walking her four daughters to school in York, enjoying peaceful mornings, waterfalls, and the welcoming shop owners.
Media Arts
Visual Arts
Jayde Bateman, Noongar Custodian, recalls her childhood introduction to shearing sheds, vowing never to work there—only to spend over a decade in them!



Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the content on this site may contain images and references to deceased persons.