Muyi Mir Mathematics

Overview Links to Resources Overview In this unit, students will engage with the Muyi Mir and Pondi stories found in the Wamba Wamba Multi Touch…

Dimboona and the Wail Rock

Students explore narrative through the Wail Rock Creation story. They unpack the elements of stories and recognise that stories have a beginning, a…

Dimboona and the Wail Rock Lesson 4

Following on from the last lesson, explore other Creation stories. Remember SharingStories Foundation’s community-led Multi-touch Books and other resources can be accessed in the Media…

Dimboona and the Wail Rock Lesson 3

Following on from the last lesson, form a yarning circle and recap the story Quandamooka Wail Rock Creation Story. Ask the students to think of…

Dimboona and the Wail Rock Lesson 2

Following on from the last lesson, revisit the Quandamooka Wail Rock Creation Story in the media section of the Jajoo Warrngara portal.  Discuss the importance of…



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