Environmental and Cultural Values

Overview Links to Resources Overview Overview Students will conduct research and report on the World Heritage listed Willandra Lakes and the cultural and environmental significance…

Environmental and Cultural Values

Students will conduct research and report on the World Heritage listed Willandra Lakes and the cultural and environmental significance this Country…

Defining and Strengthening Communities

Overview Links to Resources Overview Overview By mapping Gandjaḻaḻa’s journey and following the flight of the sugarbag bees, students learn how clan groups were named.…

Building Respect for Culture

Overview Links to Resources Overview Overview Students get to know the Jirraginy joo Goorrarndal: Frog and Brolga Multi-touch Book. They begin to learn about Gija…

What Makes a Place Special?

Students will interact with the Adnyamathanha Creation story Yurlu: The Kingfisher Man and identify the significance of Country for the Adnyamathan…

Returning Language to Place

The intended learning for the lesson: Students will conduct research to identify different sources of information and identify different points of …

Dunggula Film

Dunggula is the story of the Murray River and creation of both the river and the surrounding country, the home of the Bangerang people.



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