Buangans (Dolphins) Lesson 4

Following on from the last lesson, deepen students’ understanding of animal communication by engaging with the following films about the complex communication styles of whales…

Buangans (Dolphins) Lesson 3

Following on from the last lesson, watch and read the following texts as a class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH35b1lKQTo https://www.abc.net.au/btn/classroom/bat-man/10533060 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/echolocation-is-nature-built-in-sonar-here-is-how-it-works Task  Based on the texts and films…

Buangans (Dolphins) Lesson 2

Watch the Creation Story from the Quandamooka community on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) which can be accessed in the media section of the Jajoo Warrngara portal. …

Buangans (Dolphins) Lesson 1

Watch the Quandamooka Welcome from the Quandamooka community which can be accessed in the media section of the Jajoo Warrngara portal.   Using the Map of…

The Min Min Lights Lesson 4

Following on from the last lesson, introduce the concept of writing a hypothesis.  In pairs, students brainstorm possible Min Min Lights theories.  Task  Based on…

The Min Min Lights Lesson 3

Following on from the last lesson, watch and read the following clips as a class.  Min Min lights: Is there a scientific explanation for the…

The Min Min Lights Lesson 2

Sometimes light bends when it travels through water and air, horizontally flipping an image as the light paths cross. Light can also travel through water…

The Min Min Lights Lesson 1

Share the Pitta Pitta Welcome to Country with students  Using the Map of Indigenous Australia | AIATSIS, identify where Pitta Pitta Country is and on which…

The Min Min Lights

Overview Links to Resources Overview In this unit, students explore various light phenomena with a focus on The Min Min Lights in Boulia, Pitta Pitta…

Floods and Drought Lesson 1

Engage with the Multi-touch book Dunggula: Murray River with the class. Using the Map of Indigenous Australia | AIATSIS and the VACL Aboriginal Languages of…



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