Ballardong Noongar Welcome to Country
Tools and Technology Discovery Maps (Science, Geography, Design and Technology)
Rock Cycles Lesson 3
To begin this lesson, distribute the ‘Rock Chart’. Students venture outside to collect various rocks, stones and pebbles in and around the school grounds. This…
Rock Cycles Lesson 4
Explain to the students that they will be making their own edible rock formations to further articulate the rock cycle process. Distribute ‘slice recipe’ and the…
Natural Fibres Lesson 1
Engage with the Tools and Technology Discovery Map on the Jajoo Warrngara website. Using the Map of Indigenous Australia | AIATSIS and the VACL Map,…
Natural Fibres Lesson 2
Following on from the last lesson, watch the Ḻiya Dhälinymirr Rawu Song. Facilitate a yarning circle to discuss the following questions or distribute the ‘compass’…
Natural Fibres Lesson 3
After engaging with the Ḻiya Dhälinymirr Rawu Song, brainstorm various types of communication used across different cultures and communities throughout the years. For example, written,…
Natural Fibres Lesson 4
Following on from the last lesson, students independently continue their research on natural fibres for rope products and other useful resources. Tasks Based on their…
Rock Cycles Lesson 1
Engage with the Tools and Technology Discovery Map on Jajoo Warrngara and watch the Welcome videos from the Three Tribal Groups – the Mutthi Mutthi,…