Wägilak – Life Cycle of Bees

Wägilak Custodian Derek Waṉapuyŋu introduces us to the Gaḏayka Stringybark tree, which features in the story of Gandjaḻaḻa the Sugarbag Hunt…

Wamba Wamba – Middens

Wamba Wamba Elder Uncle Ron Murray takes us to a midden site on the banks of the Murray River and shows us evidence of where food was prepared and coo…


This Rawu film shares knowledge regarding the making of turtle rope and cultural connection to this practice for the Ḻiya Dhälinymirr, Liya Wölmam…

Ghungalu Gumby Gumby

Ghungalu Elder Uncle Steve Kemp introduces us to the Gumby Gumby tree, a tree whose medicinal properties have been used for thousands of years.

Ghungalu Welcome

Ghungalu Elder Uncle Steve Kemp welcomes you to Ghungalu Country through a smoking ceremony.

Ḻiya Dhälinymirr Welcome

Ḻiya Dhälinymirr Djämarrpuyŋu Elder Peter Murrkiltja Guyula and Djämarrpuyŋu Elder Davis Muwarra Marrawuŋgu welcome you to the story and songl…

Wamba Wamba Welcome

Wamba Wamba Senior Custodian, Ron Murray, welcomes you to Wamba Wamba country. Presented at Lake Boga with Swan Hill Norrth Primary School students.

Bangerang Welcome

Bangerang Custodian Marlene Atkinson welcomes you to Bangerang Country.



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