
These lessons are co-designed with First Nations communities so teachers have access to content direct from Country to classroom.

1 Focus Area

The Arts – Weaving and Painting

Students explore First Nations' Arts Practices in various communities. They see the weaving and painting practices of the Wagilak community…

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1 Focus Area

The Arts – Fashion and Culture

Students gain insight into the cultural meaning of tribal markings and possum skin cloak making. They study the evolution of…

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1 Focus Area

The Arts – Sculptures and Carvings

Students explore Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sculptures and carvings. They gain insight into the history of Australia’s artefact collection…

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Not Enrolled
1 Focus Area

Echoes on Country: Oodgeroo Noonuccal

Students explore stories, poetry, and contemporary art by the Quandamooka peoples and other First Nations’ communities. They gain profound insights…

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1 Focus Area

Dimboona and the Wail Rock

Students explore narrative through the Wail Rock Creation story. They unpack the elements of stories and recognise that stories have…

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1 Focus Area

Our Earth’s Magic Materials

Students understand the properties, uses, and impact of everyday materials. They investigate the Cultural, Environmental and Social impacts of mining…

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1 Focus Area

Buangans (Dolphins)

Students learn about the special relationship between dolphins and the Quandamooka peoples. They investigate symbiotic relationships, echolocation and electric reception.…

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1 Focus Area

The Native Police

Students explore the historical impact of colonial regimes, including the Native Police Force. They critically examine the enduring effects of…

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1 Focus Area

The Min Min Lights

Students investigate various light phenomena including the Min Min Lights, the Northern Lights, lightning, rainbows and mirages. They explore First…

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1 Focus Area

Life on the Station

Students explore life on the cattle stations and the industries which shaped Australian Society. They investigate the racist laws and…

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1 Focus Area

Knowing Country: Connecting with Country, Cultures and Peoples

Cross Curriculum Priorities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Country/Place A_TSICP1 First Nations communities of Australia maintain a…

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1 Focus Area

Cause and Effect: How the Landscape, Flora and Fauna Changed over Time

Students explore the impact of the Ice Age and other major changes on all living things in the Mungo Lakes…

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1 Focus Area

Traditional Food Practices: No Pot, No Pan, No Worries!

Students learn how First Nations peoples used tools, weapons and everyday items for cooking and many other practices!

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1 Focus Area

Sacred Rivers

In this unit, students explore the importance of rivers for nourishing ecosystems and facilitating trade in First Nations communities both…

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1 Focus Area

The Boomerang Principle

This unit provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of the history and principles of aerodynamics and how…

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1 Focus Area

Rock Cycles

This unit provides students with the opportunity to develop an understanding of how different types of rocks are formed, how…

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1 Focus Area

Natural Fibres

This unit provides students with the opportunity to investigate the materials used to create rope and other First Nations resources…

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1 Focus Area

Cool, Calm and Deadly

Students explore concepts of resilience, determination and perseverance. They discuss their personal and social responsibilities to care for others and…

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1 Focus Area

Life Cycles on Country

Students develop an understanding of animal life cycles, body systems, structural adaptations and behaviours, with a particular focus on Australian…

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1 Focus Area

Ethics in Animal Industries

Students examine the impact of animal production on society and explore the ethical, environmental, economic and social factors associated with…

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the content on this site may contain images and references to deceased persons.